• Forsendelse over hele verden. Rabatteret forsendelse over $60
  • Det tager kun et par minutter at bestille!
  • 100% tilfredshedsgaranti

Min konto

Skal jeg tilmelde mig, før jeg bestiller?

You can create an order without prior registration, however you'll need to enter all your contact information every time you place an order.

Having an account at Squared.one allows you to save your work in progress and complete it later. Without an account, your photos will be lost when your close the tab. Hence we recommend creating an account. Register here.

Hvordan kan jeg registrere mig?

You can create an account with your email address or through your Facebook or Instagram account. Register here.

Hvordan sletter jeg min konto?

In order to delete your account you need to contact our customer service. Please fill the contact form here or send us an email to info@squared.one

Jeg har glemt/vil ændre min adgangskode, hvad skal jeg gøre?

If you forgot your password and cannot login to your account click “Forgot your password?” underneath the login form and enter your email address. We will send you a link to reset it. If you signed up through Facebook or Instagram, you don't need a password.

If you want to change your password, follow the same procedure. You cannot change your password directly in your profile.

Fuldt svar

I created two Squared.one accounts, can I merge them?

If you want to merge accounts that are registered under two different email addresses, please contact us and will assist you.

If you have two accounts under the same email address, we will merge them automatically and send you a new password for the linked account in an email. You can then change the password.

I would like to change my email address or shipping address.

If you need to change your email address, shipping address or other information in your account, you can do so in "Settings" section of your account on Squared.one website.

If you need to change the email or shipping address for a newly placed order, please contact us as soon as possible. Depending on the status of the order, we may still be able to make the change.

Fuldt svar

What happens to my personal data?

Det er meget vigtigt for os at beskytte dit privatliv. Vi bruger kun dine data til at oprette din ordre og forbedre vores tjenester. Du kan finde ud af alt om beskyttelse af personlige data her: Privatlivspolitik.

How long do you keep my photos after I placed an order?

Vi håndterer personlige data (herunder uploadede fotos) i henhold til vores privatlivspolitik, specifikt afsnit 3 - Behandlingstid for personlige data.

Information om Facebooks datasikkerhed. Hvordan rapporterer man et sikkerhedsproblem?

Du kan også få adgang til din kundekonto ved at logge ind på din Instagram- eller Facebook-konto. I dette tilfælde behøver du ikke at udfylde nogle af dine oplysninger manuelt, og vi indsamler dine personlige data (navn og efternavn, e-mailadresse, profilbillede) direkte fra de sociale netværk, hvilket er nødvendigt for at oprette din kundekonto korrekt.

Fuldt svar